Northwest Leadership Institute

This week I was fortunate enough to be able to travel to the Northwest Leadership Institute in Boise, Idaho.  This annual event featured Michael Gungor & Science Mike from the Liturgists podcast.  Several other pastors and leaders spoke in our large group settings and there were a variety of breakout sessions.  We enjoyed an amazing evening event with a slam poet and a great band.  As with many conferences, there was a lot of content that sparked my imagination, challenged me, and brought peace to my soul.

The best part about the event, however, was that I got to share it with 5 others from the Southeast Portland Parish.  Jayde, the associate pastor for the Parish, and 4 lay people in their 20’s & 30’s came along to Boise.  Not only did we have an incredible time of learning, debriefing, and stretching conversation, we got to stay at my mom’s house which meant renting a mini-van and rocking out to 90’s pop and getting to enjoy meals at some of my favorite Boise spots.

It’s amazing to leave a session wrestling with a speaker’s words and process that wrestling with  5 intelligent, thoughtful, funny, vulnerable, compassionate people.  I learned about workshops I wasn’t able to attend and got to see some old information through new eyes.

I never imagined myself in a place surrounded by such incredible leadership. We go from belting out a Miley Cyrus tune to trading Bonhoeffer quotes to laughing about my mom’s murderous cat. I didn’t think it was possible for me to not be the youngest person in the room at church things, and here I am the oldest of our group by far.

I am so excited about what God is doing here in this corner of Southeast Portland.  I am humbled to be able to work with this group of exceptional people and the many other talented folks of the Parish.  It is an honor to watch these leaders expand in their understanding of God’s call for their lives and share their sacred gifts with our Parish and the world. I can’t wait to see how all the encouragement and innovation of this week begins to bubble up in the community and the neighborhood!



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