This month I am freaking out just a little bit because we need to raise $10,000 for Sellwood Faith Community in the coming year. We haven’t been in this position since our first year. We have a generous grant from the annual conference and our people give faithfully, in fact, many of them have increased their giving for 2019. Sellwood has always operated well under our budget, with plenty of resources to carry over for the next year. We have tried to do really meaningful ministry in simple ways to ensure that we are being faithful with the resources shared with us. As we step into the next stage of our life as a community we need a little push to get to the place where we believe God has called us.
This May we will celebrate five years of weekly dinners. It has been an honor to be part of the growth and development of this incredible community. Five years ago I would not have imagined that we would be partnered with Trinity UMC and on the cusp of opening an entrepreneurial mission-based business (Steele Street School) that offers affordable childcare to people in our community. We have staffed ourselves for growth and with Jayde on board, we are 18 months away or so from what I believe will be financial sustainability for the entire Southeast Portland Parish. But to get there we need some extra support right now.
If you have ever thought about giving to SFC now would be the time. If you are supportive of our work and interested in seeing what happens next a gift of $5, $10 or $10,000 would be a great way to ensure that we are able to continue to do this work. Donate Here
I know that God is at work here in the Parish, as God has been the entire wild adventure of SFC thus far. I thank you for all of the prayers and support you have offered over the last five years and that you continue to offer now.