Once again December is here and it is the church season of Advent. This is a special time as we get ready for Christmas. It’s a time of waiting, a time of remembering, and a time of preparation. To help us to do this work at SFC, Rev. Laura Jaquith Bartlett who is on staff as our director of liturgical arts, had us create woven art pieces the week before Advent, which we will add to each week this season as we dream, surrender self, share vulnerabilities, and remember the surprises of Christ. Laura also has written beautiful prayer liturgy for our time of lighting candles at the beginning of dinner and for our weekly communion celebrations to lead into our time of working with the weavings. It is so amazing to have her words to help express the culture of our community as we intersect with this ancient tradition of preparing and waiting.
It’s lovely to be exploring Advent in new ways this year. One of the bonuses is that the decor and the weavings stay up at the SFC house, which just happens to double as our family home. Not only do we have some of our family Christmas decorations up, but we also have a beautiful riot of purple sparkling in our home all season long.
I am so thankful this Advent season for this community that creates beauty together and for the chance to ready myself for the in breaking of Christ in new ways.
Christ is coming, Christ is here in our midst already.
– Eilidh