Over the years our faith community has had planning retreats, community meetings, and conversations about the future. We are constantly attuned to how we can embrace what’s new, but sometimes it’s the season for a more intentional look at what is emerging. Now it is once again time to dream, hope, plan, and commit to what God is doing in our midst. This round we’ve gotten all the leadership to commit to dinner on a Monday night and we’ve invited lots of others who are connected to SFC, from our founding member who has moved out of the area to those who have come once in the last few months.
One of the reasons it is time to have this conversation is that our dinners are going well. It’s time to build on that success and stability. There are a lot of ideas on the table including continuing brunch, adding another dinner, starting a Parish-wide worship experience and revamping our children’s ministries. I’m sure as folks gather next Monday there will be even more ideas and possibilities.
We’re once again experimenting with what church can be. It’s lovely to have a whole crew of passionate people who are committed to the community wanting to help lead us all where God is calling. I’m not sure what exactly will come out of our time together on Monday, but I know that it will be lead by our lay leadership and supported by our clergy. I know it will be faithful to our community values of openness and inclusion, and I know that it will be about what God is doing here and now in this place.
Please pray for us as we have this conversation and strategy session! And if you are local consider joining us. I’m making my famous enchiladas.