Fall is not necessarily a season we associate with new life, but it definitely is a time of new life in the Southeast Portland Parish. This is the season when all of our programs start back up and we launch new things.
We are lucky to have Jayde Dunkerley as the half time associate to the parish, Laura Jaquith Bartlett serving as the liturgical arts minister for SFC in her secondary appointment as a deacon and Jeff Lowery serving 1/4 time as the youth and mission minister. Along with me that makes 4 clergy for the Parish. Then we get to our lay people, the folks who are part of SFC and Trinity. Their range of ages, perspectives, gifts and life experiences means that the richness of expression of God in our mist is incredible. I can’t even begin to explain how amazing it is to have all this talent to dream with and work alongside.
So this fall:
- We’re exploring a sermon series at Trinity on the life of Moses incorporating the wisdom of Brother Matthew of Taize, the stories of the people of the Parish, and Jayde’s and my insights. In November we’ll be engaging in our annual stewardship series as we talk about what commitment looks like.
- We’re starting up Brunch every other month at 10:30 at the SFC house. This will be lead by a variety of our leadership team, each of whom will create their own monthly theme. September & November
- We’re diving in to the book of Matthew at Sunday night dinners at the SFC house lead by a rotating schedule of folks.
- We’re launching Pub Theology, a book group, a new gathering for recently relocated folks, bible study, youth group, adult Sunday school, and mom’s coffee.
- We’re investing in meaningful mission through monthly visits to a homeless outreach downtown, a quarterly Saturday at the Oregon Food Bank, and renewed exploration of our relationship with the Willamette Center Shelter, while continuing our ministries with the Backpack Buddies, food donations, support of Woodstock Elementary, and Grout School tutoring.
- We’re connecting with our community on justice issues through voter awareness and a review of our United Methodist Social Principles.
- We’re creating design elements for scared space and renewed ritual while also refreshing the spaces at Trinity and the SFC house.
- We’re holding a Parish wide retreat at the coast to explore community and strengthen our relationships across the two communities of Trinity and SFC.
- We’re training worship leaders and educating folks about the rhythm and purpose of traditional worship.
- We’re building relationships with stakeholders and partners in our parish area.
It’s not abut doing stuff for the sake of doing stuff, but faithfully listening to God’s call and following that together. You might notice some things not on this list that we’ve done in the past and that’s because our work is dynamic and changing as the needs of the parish and our own calls dictate.
I hope in all of this you find something that might spark your curiosity or feel like a point of connection. All are welcome in this adventure of new life!