For the first time in a long time I took a week off from this blog. I’ve been writing every week for almost 5 years, scheduling posts for vacations and inviting guest writers in at times. This month however I knew I needed to simply let go for a bit. I was off for 10 days and it was lovely. I basically did nothing for the first part of the vacation and then for the last part did everything with my family at Disney World. It was a perfect chance to relax and have fun with the people I love best.
This vacation coincided with a new year. I took advantage of this traditional time to reflect on the prior year and think about what God was calling me to in the coming year. And I realize, that once again, it’s time to adjust course. It’s been so easy to get wrapped up in the day to day of church here at Trinity. I’ve been so grateful for these 6 months of getting settled in, but now the focus needs to be on how am I living out my faith and how am I creating space for people to know God more fully?
I started my first day back from vacation with tidying up around the house a little, taking advantage of some extra time in the morning. Then I had breakfast at my favorite local bakery and used the time to organize and center myself while I ate. Then I dropped by the local elementary school to work on a favor for the principal there and catch up with some of the staff. Finally I arrived at Trinity at the start of my office hours and began the work of bulletins and blogging. In the past six months I would have come in to the church office right away since there is “so much to do”. Now I’m remembering that it will all come, so taking time in the morning to care for myself, to eat and prepare, to give of my energy to the community matters just as much as sitting in my office crossing off the administrative tasks on my to do list.
I’m so grateful to begin the new year with the chance to learn and adjust.
Thanks be to God,
One response to “New Year”
Thank you for the thoughtful post, Pastor Eilidh. It is good counsel for all of us! I applaud you for taking a “real vacation”!