
As we train ourselves in this season of Advent to see Christ in our midst through the gift of joy, one of our members came to dinner with an idea.  She knows she is being called to start a sort term small group.  So she asked what we thought about her hosting Sunday morning brunch at her home for 8 folks during the month of February.  Her plan is to work with other leaders in the community so that they too can host a small group for a month in the spring.

This is what I love about new start work.  That when someone is called or moved by what God is doing in our midst we have a culture of saying yes as they experiment with how to live out that call.  We talk about looking for the in-breaking of Christ. And this is a prime example of someone who found such joy in relationship and spiritual growth that she knows she needs to do something with it.  So we walk with her as she leads in this way.

Those things that make our hearts sing are holy. When we are held in community that is both safe and challenging we can take that song and sing it out in joy.


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