Getting in the Groove

As I work on the August calendar I am realizing that month number one of the Southeast Portland Parish is coming to a close.  We have a long way to go until we have everything figured out and in place, but we are definitely getting in to the groove of what it means to be the church in this way in this place.

Amanda and I have both had a chance to preach and we’ve been able to share the sermon time together effectively on two other Sundays.  We are finding our pattern of how we share our vision and how God is speaking through us with the people of the Parish. Coming in August Paige, Jeff’s and my daughter, will preach one of the Sundays, August 13th.  When we were planning the schedule back in May she asked when she could speak, so of course we gave her a time.  It will be fascinating to hear her perspective on our faith community and to contemplate her vision of the future.  We will continue to share the pulpit with others over the coming months including my coach Nicole Reilley in December.

After taking a little bit of a break from normal programming at SFC we are starting back up our Worship Walks, Taize Worship, an Spiritually Thirsty.  The first Worship Walk will be August 19th at 10am at Elk Rock Garden.  We will be reveling in nature and sharing scripture, poetry, and spiritual insights as we walk the garden.  Taize will be back in September, with an evening gathering at the SFC house once a month.  This is a time to settle into silence and repetitive singing as we free our spirits to rest.  Spiritually Thirsty will also return in September as a chance to discuss theology and the big issues of life over a pint at the local bar.

I am enjoying finding our rhythm as we continue to learn about what God is unfolding here and now in Southeast Portland.



Jeff and Paige grooving to the music at a recent family wedding






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