Celebrating Life

Several of my friends offered sympathy to me this week that I had to work on Mother’s Day.   I think I actually had the perfect day.  I got to share time with wonderful people over a meal, which is one of my favorite things in the whole world.  I love hosting people in our home.  I love eating.  I love being challenged and asking questions about matters of faith.  Besides eating with friends one of my other favorite things in life is sleeping.  Every Sunday I take a nap, so that made this Mother’s Day a good one too.

During our music time after brunch I also got to snuggle the sweetest baby.  I’m not a baby crazy person, but this little nugget is really something special. She is only 4 weeks old and rocking her while we sang together as community took me back to my first days as a mother.  It was lovely to remember what was, and to watch my tween dancing and singing to the music at the same time.  It really was a wonderful celebration of what it has meant to be a mom from then until now.

bird familyMy family also gave me a wonderful gift.  It’s the image here, a painting of three birds.  There are three of us and I love birds.  If you’ve been in our home you’ve seen all the bird art work we own.  The pieces of my life, my work, my favorite moments of being all coalesced this Sunday to make a very holy and special day.  Life is a blessing and I’m so glad we get to celebrate it each week at SFC.


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