Organic Resources

In this season of  Lent SFC has been discussing how to make room for God in our lives.  Over the past 3 weeks we’ve come up with the resources below that have helped us to engage with our Lenten work.  We still have three weeks to go, so check out some of these ideas and please add some of the tools you have found helpful as you make room for God in your life.



  1.  Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport
  2. The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz
  3. The Road to Character by David Brooks


  1. Voice for the Voiceless Theatre
  2. Third Rail Theatre
  3. Theatre Vertigo



The Liturgist podcast- Lent meditation (There is a 10 minute a day meditation for Lent from the Liturgists)


A life in progress

Devotional Practice

Sacred Ordinary Days Planners


Join Eilidh and Paige in sharing photos each week of Lent  that capture the word of the day:




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