Left and Right


Here at SFC we don’t all think alike,  but we think.  We don’t all vote alike, but we vote.  We don’t all believe the same things, but we share about those beliefs.  It has been a hard season here, sharing deeply in our anger, fear, and isolation.  We make ourselves vulnerable to each other and it can be hard to share when you disagree with people that you love.  This, however, is where real relationship comes.  We can say the hard things, speak our own truths, and trust in the deep love of God that hold us all around the table.

This love is apparent in our weekly emails.  I share the ways that we can be present with one another each week.  Most often this is in the form of prayer requests, but sometimes there is a need for a lawn to be mowed after surgery or the chance to show up at the concert or game where one of our kids is playing.  And the thing is we do show up for one another.  People send cards, they show up at the concert, they mow the lawn, they ask the next week about the sick friend.

Too often we let the fear of broken relationships stop us from really sharing our wounds, our beliefs, and our needs.  As we continue to grow at SFC it is beautiful to see people, walking in faith, open to each other so that all may be strengthened to continue faithfully following God.  This is really what we need to get through this difficult time together, folks who stand with one another in love.


One response to “Left and Right”


    Anyone have a chainsaw and chainsaw skills? We’ve had a huge portion of the big elm tree (that we’ve worshiped under) on the ground for almost a month now. Can’t afford to pay someone to take care of it, and I don’t have the skills either, but I’d be willing to learn.

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