New Year

I just published the calendar for SFC for January. It is the first time since we started our main gatherings that they are the only thing on the docket for January.  No hikes, book clubs, small groups, or service projects.  We are taking a handful of middle girls on the snow retreat and my mom’s coffee group continues, but other than that we’re only gathering together on Sundays.  This is fitting as this month we are discussing our values, as individuals and as a community.  What are we about?  As we reflect on that this month we’ll pick back up some of our programs, maybe add some new programs, and create opportunities for new leaders to step forward.

It’s good for all of us to pause at different points in life and assess where we are and where we are going.  It is easy to drift over time, so it’s smart to check that you are headed in the right direction.  For us this season it means slowing down a little so we can really reflect on what it means to be this community in this place at this time.  Too often communities get in to a routine with programs and events.  What started with a calling to address a need, should be checked to see if the spiritual need is still there and if the program still is offering holy life to those who are a part of it.

As we journey through this month please hold our community in prayer.



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