SFC Year End


Thank you so very much for all of your support.  2016 has been an amazing year at Sellwood.  It has been beautiful to see the connections forming between those who were already here and the new folks who joined us from Capitol Hill.  We have played with structure and most recently had an amazing advent series using poetry. As we begin the new year we will be working on discerning our value as  a community and sharing our stories of how God is at work in our lives.

We continue to create new ministries and forge deeper connections with the people we are encountering in our lives. We have folks trying out new service opportunities in their local communities, reaching out to their neighbors, and exploring their own spirituality in much deeper ways.  It is clear to see the transformations taking place in the people connected to SFC.

Due to our funding grant, the  amazing generosity of our supporters, the closing gift from Capitol Hill, and the dedicated giving of our community participants we are in great shape financially, with a surplus to start the new year.

Our average attendance at our two weekly meals is 20 people.  This doesn’t count mom’s coffee, youth group, book studies, service projects, or our special worship gatherings.  We are blessed with an engaged and present community, that is continuing to grow as new people find us online of hear about us through their friends.

We know that God is continuing to unfold new dreams here.  As we work on St. Veronica’s Laundry and the other opportunities unfolding before us we are excited to continue to share those stories with you here.




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