
This week as we talked about love we featured a poem suggested by one of our community members.  This captures the thing I love best about SFC, that it is a space of collaboration, where we all bring our spirits and our knowledge to help one another experience God in Christ.

I have been walking with this Rilke poem for days now and continue to learn from it and lean in to the wisdom held within these beautiful phrases.  I am so grateful for the way this community helps me to name my great homesickness for God and find new ways to ripen and wrestle.


i love you, gentlest of ways – Rainer Maria Rilke
“i love you, gentlest of Ways,
who ripened us as we wrestled with you.
you, the great homesickness we could never shake off,
you, the forest that always surrounded us,
you, the song we sang in every silence,
you dark net threading through us,
on the day you made us you created yourself,
and we grew sturdy in your sunlight…
let your hand rest on the rim of heaven now and mutely bear the darkness we bring over you.”


Photo by Ace Waters

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