Today is one of those days where I’ve been working since I got up early this morning, but I have accomplished very little work. Today has been about showing up. Today has been about listening.
It all started yesterday evening. A phone call with unexpected news about a beloved friend and member of this neighborhood. And my role, as always, when it feels like the floor is dropping out is to calmly offer light and hope. I can’t cure illness. I can’t fix the situation, but I can breathe. I can bring the wine. I can listen and cry. I can laugh and hug. I can throw away the old banana and hunt down the iPad. I can say I am here, God is here, love is here.
So today, when my to do list is growing and not shrinking, I know the value of my day and the value of the gift of the time I have to be present, to love, and to hope. I am so incredibly honored to do this work of coming alongside people in all sorts of spaces and moments. My to do list will still be there tomorrow, and maybe one of these days I might actually get back to crossing some of those things off, but for now I’ll be where God needs me most.