Transformation Station

Not only have things changed structurally at SFC with adding brunch and welcoming a number of the Capitol Hill folks into our community, but things have changed administratively as well.  We have a new staff person at the conference handling our income, a new treasurer at the conference to talk to about things like insurance matters, one of our community members watching over our budget, and a new church plant staff person who has been serving in Washington state and is expanding to Oregon as we work together more as a region.  We are also using new benchmarks and new reporting tools as we communicate about what is happening here at SFC with the Congregational Development Team, which is our funding source.

Now I’m geeky enough to love some of these changes.  I’m a big fan of color coded spread sheets and getting to know new people.  The part I’m most excited about however is the narrative piece of the reporting that we are starting.  Quarterly we are asked to share stories of transformation in our community.  I love that we are not just looking to numbers as a mark of success, but trying to record the impact of our community on the members and those we encounter in our lives.

The best part of all these new pieces is that they are not mine alone.  Together as a community we tell the story of the ways we are being changed as we live a life that tries to follow Jesus.  Together we discern the best way to use our resources and make sure all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed.  We are all being mindful of the ways that God is at work in and through us and I’m sure we will be sharing some of our stories of transformation with you here as well.

It is clear to me that God is at work through our administration, through our conversations, through our very being as a faith community.  Something is blossoming here.


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