This past year with the Sellwood Faith Community was a really great one. The thing I am most excited about is that this year 4 people started coming to dinner because of our chalkboard sign. Our messages of hope and love the the neighborhood really are reaching people in profound ways. I have seen many people take pictures of the sign as they walk through the neighborhood. It’s always fun to watch people smile as they see it. We are making a positive impact in our neighborhood and that is one of our goals.
We have also grown this year numerically, in our own spiritual growth, and in our relationships with one another. Our participation in the Village Support network, where we support a family transitioning from homelessness into housing has stretched us and helped us to support one another in living out our faith. Our dinner table discussions continue to be rich and we have big plans for our next steps including a new dinner starting in January and an improved children’s ministry run by our awesome volunteers.
There continues to be so many wonderful things unfolding at SFC I just know this is going to be another great year.