Little Gifts

Awhile back I was reorganizing the magnets and papers on our refrigerator.  We really don’t need info about the 4th grade field trip now that 5th grade has begun.  As I was working I noticed a new magnet, one I had never seen before.  After talking to the other members of my family and our awesome house sitter Amanda, I decided that the magnet must have just wandered in one night for dinner with one of our community members.  This is one of the joys of our funny, vibrant, loving community.  Unexpected gifts and goodness show up around here on a regular basis.

As I listen to the discussion on Sunday nights and hear the kiddos laughing in the next room the goodness of our community is apparent.  It’s also clear when someone hangs back to talk about after everyone else leaves to talk about some weighty issues on their heart.  We share the gift of hospitality and in return are gifted with vibrant life and a chance to walk alongside people in the dark moments

Since we host dinner and other events in our home we get to welcome people in to a warm and lived in space.  We’ve set up our house so that there are public areas and private areas.  The downstairs with the kitchen, dining room, living room, my office, and a bathroom are public space.  We don’t have family photos up in these rooms and we try to make them so anyone can feel comfortable in the space.  Upstairs we have 3 bedrooms and a bathroom and in the basement is Jeff’s office.  Lots of family photos and personal items in those spaces.

Sometimes it’s hard to host the community in our home.  My anxiety flares up a little bit when someone new shows up unannounced for dinner.  I live in a world shaped by Alias and the Bourne movies, so I’m pretty sure any stranger is a spy or a thief.  Meaning they are as likely to be checking out the probability of stealing our tv as they are leaving a bomb in a pen.  Luckily for my job and the gospel this flashes through my head quickly and then I remember Jesus loved and welcomed all sorts of people so whoever this is in front of me I better get busy making them welcome.

Readying our home and the space is the other big downside of hosting events in our home.  The dishwasher was never full of dishes when I needed to set up the fellowship hall in Veneta. We’ve learned the rhythm of sharing our home with our community, but it is something I had not expected to take so much time and energy back when we were dreaming about this community.

I’m so glad we have a house where we can welcome all sorts of people. Our house is filled with laughter and love on a regular basis.  We have a home where people come in grief and in hope.  We sing together and share deep truths together and all of it is a gift.  The magnet on our fridge serves to remind me of these other gifts and is a marker of all the things we have learned from gathering here in our house.


Our mystery magnet

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