Serving in Small Ways Has a Big Impact

When we originally started Sellwood Faith Community, part of our mission was to include service as a way of living out our faith.  Millennials especially want to live an active faith.
One of our favorite places to volunteer is the Oregon Food Bank.  We arrive on a Saturday morning at 9 am, and put on our fashionable hair nets.  We join about 50 other volunteers from the Portland community.  Our typical job is to sort bulk frozen fruits or vegetables in to family size portions.  These are given out at food banks all over Oregon and in Clark County.  At the end of each shift the volunteer coordinator give us some statistics on how much good we have done for that 2 1/2 hours of work.  Typically our hard work translates in to at least 100 meals per volunteer.  Where else can you make this big a difference in people’s lives in that little time?
The job is not glamorous.  We probably don’t change people’s lives through this act of service, but it does make the world a better place and it puts us in touch with the struggles of some of the people of our region. Not only can adults make an impact, but children can serve as well.  Our group of ten year olds come along to this project.

If you want to make a difference and live out your faith we are heading to the food bank on October 24th.  Sign up on our Sellwood Faith Community Facebook page.


SFC Crew at work bagging frozen beans.

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