Last night as we were preparing for dinner I was stuck. I wasn’t sure whether we should have dinner inside or outside. Our house was a balmy 87 degrees, even with the portable air conditioner blowing out cold air for several hours. Outside the bulk of the grass was in the sun, rendering the folding chairs hot to the touch and making things just to0 toasty to enjoy dinner. As our music team arrived I was still fussing with what to do. I asked them to help me put up the canopy and was trying to arrange it precariously between the garden beds and the clothesline when Allison said, “Why don’t we set up in the driveway?” I would never have thought of that. I was so focused on my two options, inside or back yard, that stepping back and considering a third way was not possible for me. The driveway is shaded, perfectly situated to catch the breeze, and level which means no one is tilted in their chair like on our uneven grass. The added bonus is that all the people walking and driving by can see us gathered together. It’s visual evangelism. This is our third summer of doing dinners and never once before had meeting on the driveway occurred to me. It took someone else who wan’t wrapped up in how things are to offer the perfect alternative.
Having new voices in any community is so important. Creating a culture where another can offer leadership and vision is the best way to continue to grow and thrive. I’m glad that this community is a place where folks can say, “Hey, let’s try this another way.” And we do. Sometimes it’s more successful than others, but I’m so proud to be part of a community that values trying new things and shared leadership.
For now the driveway will be where we gather on Sunday nights, that is until someone suggests something else and we try it out.