This past week has been one of such sorrow. We talk about mental illness, racism, confederate flags, gun control, terrorism, hate, and it all seems to be a big pool of words and more words and yet nothing changes. I saw a tweet this week by Laura Turner that said “ Praying on a night like tonight feels somewhere between insufficient and the only thing.” It feels insufficient, that which we can do. Yet it is often the only thing.
There are people out there who are leading change. Bakari Sellers is a good place to start. He’s a member of the South Carolina State House of Representatives. Find those voices. The ones who offer ideas of a different way. Who know how to take a step forward into a new reality.
This is what matters, to do something. Pray, find someone to listen to who is leading a new way , make light and love where you are, and try. Try something new. Try to speak up about that kid you are worried about. Try to call someone on the hateful things they say. Try to listen to those on the margins.
Change doesn’t happen because we talk about it. Change happens because we are brave enough to try even in a small way to be different. We have to try.
One response to “Insufficient Acts Change the World”
Look for Steve Duin's very good column in yesterdays Oregonian yesterday. He does not mince words.