Big Silly Grin

I love what I am doing so very much.  When I get to talking about this ministry I get ever more expansive with my hands and I know that I have a ridiculous grin plastered on my face. The reason for this is that it feels like my whole life has led to the work we are doing here in this place. I was made for such a time as this.  Everything from my seminary education, the things I learned from pastors I have worked with, the training I received through the Congregational Leadership Development program, the life lessons about ministry I learned from my parents, my awesome partnership with my husband, and who God made me have contributed to this coalescence of call and location.

Deep fulfillment and a feeling of belonging are not the only reasons I get wild with my gestures when talking about the Sellwood Faith Community.  The thing is this experiment is working.  Every single week I am surprised by God’s beauty and the things unfolding here.  Every single week I interact with someone and know that we are both enriched by the interaction.  Every quarter we have more and more people participating in the activities we are hosting.  More people in my network are asking about the community and indicating an interest in coming to events.  And it’s not just me.  Other members of our core group are bearing fruit by creating spaces in the world for holy and deep conversations or transforming service and bringing new people into contact with our community.

We risked, and we asked some of you to take a big gamble on us and this vision we had of what a community could be.  It’s paying off in ways we couldn’t have even imagined. Thank you for being able to think outside the box and for seeing something in us even before we knew it ourselves.  Thank you for sharing our journey and continuing to hold us in prayer.  And thank you for putting up with my silly grin.  It’s lovely to be able to celebrate the vibrant life that is here with all of you.


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