Rest & Renewal

The Lowery 3 just got back last night from 2 weeks in Europe.  We were visiting my family who live in Scotland (all of my mom’s siblings & my cousins) and then spent a few days in London and Paris seeing the sights and relaxing.  It was wonderful to be together and to have this break from the rewarding, but intense work of church planting.  Having prescheduled my blogs, printed out the bulletins for Capitol Hill (the traditional church where I serve half time), and typed up lists for the house sitter about cat care and how to work the tv, we blissfully tuned out of our neighborhood and home life.

It was a lovely trip and I’m so glad that we could take this time to meet my newest wee relative and share with Paige the delights of Parisian street food.  Being away brings a new perspective to home and rest allows me to be my best in ministry here.  I know from being silly and not taking my days off that I cannot be my best if I’m always on, always busy.

Time off is a biblical pattern from the start.  God rests in the creation story.  The 10 commandments include one about keeping the Sabbath holy, which means taking time off- from everything the work and home to do lists get a break and so do you.  Jesus continually takes time away from the disciples and his ministry of teaching and healing to rest and pray.  It’s vitally important to our spiritual health to  take a break.

One of the things that makes it easer for me to take my vacations and days off is that the Sellwood Faith Community leaders can do everything that I do.  We had other people host dinners on the weeks we were gone.  It all went well.  We already have other leaders who take charge of Spiritually Thirsty, the Meditation Hike, and certain service projects.  It’s so wonderful to make space for people to do ministry and to see what unfolds.   We also advocate that these leaders take breaks and rest too.  We sub for each other and together do the work of making this community run.  Together we can find a holy rhythm that is healthy for all.  I hope the same for you!


The Forth Bridge, Edinburgh- one of my favorite place to just sit and  look.

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