We all have a gift that can make the world brighter

At dinner last night we talked about all the things participants in the Sellwood Faith Community do outside of the monthly SFC organized community service projects.  We have people who are passionate about car seat safety and so they volunteer at car seat checks.  We have folks who are passionate about kids so they volunteer in teaching and mentoring capacities with various organizations.  We have someone who is exploring a more vegan lifestyle and someone else working with others to encourage bee populations to return to our neighborhood.  It’s amazing when we add it up all the ways that members of our community are caring for the world and using their passions to serve others.

Two of the people I’m particularly proud of are my husband Jeff and our daughter Paige.  Jeff is a gifted musician and ever since she was little it has been clear that Miss P takes after her dad in this gift.  They have been making music together since she was very small.  Here is a ridiculously adorable video as proof:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=s8NyVP13tC4#t=105

Paige has seen the people in her life and in her churches use their talents to serve others, so she and her dad decided to record a CD and use any proceeds from CD sales to benefit Imagine No Malaria, which is a program that helps eradicate malaria through education and prevention practices.  You can find out more here:  http://imaginenomalaria.org.  To get started they launched a crowd funding campaign to pay for the production of the CDs.  You can watch their video and even help them finish their campaign here:  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-functional-monkeys-album

God made us who we are and in that we have the capacity to give to the world.  I’m so thankful to be in a community that lives this out in so many amazing ways.


The musicians in Sellwood

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