Lent is the church season before Easter. It’s 40 days, plus Sundays, are a time when for centuries Christians have engaged in a discipline or practice that helps them recenter on God. This is based on the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness after his baptism. In this time he wrestled with the temptations of power, might, and convenience. After this every time that Jesus needed to center himself he returned to wilderness spaces. Lots of people give things up for Lent and sometimes people take on a practice. These are meant to be challenges that make us work a little harder and sharpen our faith.
My practice this year for Lent is to take a photo each day around a specific word. I’m using a list provided by the national United Methodist Church. This may seem like a fun thing, and it is, but the challenge here is to look at my life and my surroundings through a particular lens and then try to capture that. It’s also a chance to use my much neglected artistic side. Doing something daily is a challenge. Life gets busy, but no matter what I try to post a picture by the end of the day. All day long I’m thinking about the word and about how to see God at work in my life. On the busiest of days this is the most needed, so I don’t give myself a pass. Too often in my life I say I’ll work ahead or I can do that tomorrow. This discipline means that each task must be done each day, a rhythm that is a good discipline for my chaotic life. I love trying to think of creative ways to express the word in my life. Looking for joy or alone causes me to stop and see in new ways and to appreciate God in my life.
One of the best parts about this practice is that while it is something I do on my own, I’m sharing my photos with many others who are also engaging in the same practice. Local friends and dear ones from Colorado, California, and Washington are also posting as well as people from all over the US. I like to see the ways that others are finding the words in their lives and know that I’m part of something larger.
If you haven’t take on a practice for Lent this year, I encourage you to think about joining me. The photo list is below. Start today, don’t worry about the past ones. You can post to the SFC Facebook or use #rethinkchurch on Facebook or Instagram to share with others.