Community That Matters

This work that we do is slow and full of disappointment.  One thing I’ve been obsessing about lately is a couple who came to somethings, but who are clearly not engaging.  I find myself dwelling on them and wondering what I could have done differently to provide a proper welcome.  Then there are nights when no one shows and I spend my time feeling like a fraud.  Here I am using my gifts and the resources of the annual conference (the United Methodist regional body) trying to build a community of no one.

What gets me through the slowness and the disappointing times is that I deeply believe in what we are creating.  That’s what gives me hope, that is what eventually draws me away from my obsessions and worry.  I know that we are on to something important and rich.  I have seen God at work here and know that lives are being changed.  At SFC God is being made manifest.  I can feel that the Kingdom is at hand.

 On Tuesday I had an amazing conversation with a stranger who is now a friend. On Halloween two members of our community dropped by the house just to visit and connect.  On Saturday at a celebration of life for a member of the neighborhood people were able to grieve and touch something holy.  These are just a few of the things this week that show me how we are part of something bigger than ourselves.  This community of deep hearted people willing to risk in love is not something that just happens in an instant.  It takes real investment in one another and in the people of this place.

When people ask how this plant is going I always say it is hard and beautiful.  Those are also the words I would use to describe faith in God and following Christ.  As one of my high school teachers used to say things that are worth working hard for aren’t easy.


It’s not every day that a member of the community shows up at the door dressed as a turkey. 🙂

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