This month our dinner topic is prayer. For the first week our discussions around the dinner table centered on our personal experiences of prayer. We talked about how we like to pray and when we’d experienced prayers that impacted us, as well as negative impressions or experiences of prayer. Some folks met peace on the top of a mountain, others shared about their prayer disciplines with a devotional book. We found prayer to be grounding, to be a place of honesty about our spiritual condition, to be something we did in solidarity with others or when overwhelmed. Some prayers were wordy and addressed to God others were silent and simply a lifting up of energy.
We also talked about prayers of thanksgiving and how powerful gratitude can be. That idea prompted folks around the table to share what they were grateful for. Beautiful things were shared. One man said that being part of this community filled him spiritually so that he could engage in his life’s ministry and be spiritually present where he was needed. Besides the beautiful and delicious cake his wife brought to share his words were my favorite part of last night. That sums up exactly who we are trying to be as our community continues to blossom. This morning I am thankful indeed. May you have much to praise God for today as well.