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We have a lot to celebrate!  Just one year in to this crazy adventure of starting a new community and we’ve begun to see exactly that which we had dreamed.

Our weekly gatherings are simply beautiful.  We have people from ages 8-60something, with every decade represented.  These are people who would probably not know one another if it wasn’t for this gathering.  True community cuts across our normal social boundaries and allows us to connect with people who enrich our lives.  Our conversations are spiritually grounded and the food is fabulous!  I’m learning a lot from journeying with these folks.  It’s also lovely to know that I’m being held in prayer regularly and have a place to share the ups and downs of life.

Our service projects are hard work, but we’ve done so much to make the world just a little bit brighter.  We’ve served meals to our neighbors, bagged food for a food bank, cared for a community garden, and done lots of work helping Bethlehem House of Bread transform in to a community center.

Our book study and theology on tap have been awesome ways to learn more about where people see themselves spiritually and to discuss the places we each have questions in our faith lives.  These are ale conversations usually led by others.  I’m relishing the role of participant and listener and I know it is very good for my soul.

We have a long way to go to live fully in to the vision God has for us in Sellwood and I know there will be bumps in the road as well as many more beautiful moments. Right now we are simply celebrating the goodness of this moment and the fruit of our ministry thus far.
