Light Shines in the Darkness

This week we held our first worship experience for the Sellwood Faith Community.  With our leadership team we’ve chosen to begin a monthly Taize Worship.  We chose this because Taize, which is characterized by repetitive singing of simple melodies, prayers, silence, and candle lighting, offers a different kind of experience than the typical Sunday morning worship, be it contemporary or traditional.
For me Taize is a time of centering.  It’s introspective and quiet and this past week it was just what I needed.  There is no sermon.  The scripture is read and then reflected upon silently.  Taize is a space of the gentle unfolding of the spirit.
We decided to start on December 20th because the theme of light the permeates much of Taize liturgy was fitting for the time of longest night of the year.  Also in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season we don’t have many times to sit in quiet reflection. What a better way to prepare for Christmas than some quite time focused on God?
9 of us plus our two cats gathered to find something holy as we sang and listened to the stillness together.  Afterwards we shared snacks and laughter, somehow renewed by our time together.
  Check out the video below for the kind of music we sing and the general vibe of worship.  Obviously this one was done by a choir with soloists, we just repeat the chorus as many times as we need to to find that transcendent space.  Our next worship will be here at the house on January 17th at 7pm. I know my should will be ready for it!


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