Our new church start is all about connecting with new people. I’m amazed at some of the responses I get from people who are already part of the church when I talk about connecting with others. It seems like what we are doing is such an odd concept to many. To go about intentionally connecting with people for the sake of a faith conversation is not something most people ever think about. I think however that it’s something that everyone can do. Here’s how:
Step one strike up a conversation. It might be the cashier at the grocery store or an acquaintance at work. Begin with “Hi, how are you today?”. Listen and then say, “Do you have any plans for this weekend?” Listen again and then talk about your weekend. Mention your faith community or faith practice. Repeat this over weeks and weeks and weeks. If the person shows any interest invite them to join you. Tell them you will pick them up or take them out to lunch afterwards.
Evangelism can be a scary word and the idea that we have to go convince people of some truth that we’ve memorized does seem daunting. Rather the idea of really seeing people, finding out where God has touched their lives, and sharing a piece of our own journey seems easier while at the same time requiring a much deeper commitment and connection than the lecture format ever did. It also leaves room for us to be transformed and changed by another’s story. If I’m not coming in with all the answers that creates space for me to learn from the other and maybe adjust my theology or vision of God accordingly. The reality is that connecting requires vulnerability, which may just be the hardest thing of all, but the rewards are amazing.
This is what we are finding as we begin this work of starting a new faith community. We are dedicating our time to going out into our community to intentionally get to know our neighbors. Luckily we live in a neighborhood with a bank, grocery store, restaurants, doctors, dentists, pet shop, and more in walking distance. We’ve met the people who live next door and have already begun sharing our story with them. We’re hosting a party for our birthdays next week (mine is July 22 and Jeff’s is July 23) that’s another chance to connect with the people we’ve already begun to be acquainted with locally, as well as with friends who already live here. We are genuinely interested in the people around us and want to find out who they are. Some of them will be people we begin a journey of faith with, some will be friends, and some will just be folks we were fortunate to meet. It’s exciting to try to figure out who fits where. And it all starts slowly with listening to each person’s story and telling our story, being willing to be transformed and to change as we grow together in faith. Thank you for your support as we risk and learn, grow and connect in God’s love.