What We Need

We have such an amazingly lovely support network, thank you!  People have been asking us what we need as we adjust our schedule and continue to live our mission as new start planters.  My reply is fairly simply, we need three things:

1. Prayers
2. People
3. Gifts

We would love prayers for this community, that we continue to listen faithfully and that we are brave enough to step into new opportunities.  We would love prayers for our core group and for those who are taking on more leadership of our new activities.  Prayers for fruitfulness and more lives touched are always appreciated.  You can let us know you are praying for us by leaving a comment below or on Facebook.  Knowing that we are held up by others and that we are not alone in this work is very empowering.  Our community will in turn hold you in prayer.

We need more people to join us on this grand experiment.  Please refer people to us who you think might be ready for a new kind of community.  These may be people who are spiritually questioning, who have left church, or who are looking for something new.  You can email me at pastoreilidh@gmail.com if you can think of folks we should be reaching.

Last of all we need financial support for our community to continue.  We are doing very well with our grant from the regional church body, the annual conference, but every year our amount from them decreases and we turn to other sources for funding.  We are working on an online giving option and will let you know about that as soon as it is in place.  Until then we have the old school method of writting a check to Conference Treasurer with Sellwood in the memo line.  You can mail checks to Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference Treasurer 1505 SE 18th Ave Portland, OR 97201.

Thank you for your interest in this experiment and for your support of this ministry, whatever form that takes!


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