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Sacred Signs

I grew up in a progressive, social justice oriented church.  My Sunday School classrooms had Corita Kent prints on the walls and her work has adorned everything from curriculum to my seminary text books, I just never really knew who she was.  I’m lucky...

God on the Edges

 I’m not one of those folks that thinks the church is dying.  I think the church is changing, but that doesn’t necessarily make it any easier to deal with the transformation from a cultural force to a voice on the margins.  Working in an...

Low Sunday

This past week we had a low Sunday, mostly because the Sellwood Bridge and many neighborhood roads was closed all day so that cyclists could enjoy a lovely, if wet ride throughout the area. Sometimes when we have low Sundays I get bummed out.  I worry about the...

Room to Dream

It is amazing how much more creative and imaginative I feel now that my anxiety is under control and I’m being intentional about sabbath.  I’ve shared before here that I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  When I’m under lots of stress, say...

Slowing Down

This fall we started with a bang.  We augmented our normal schedule with two book groups, youth group, worship, and an additional service project.  We were once again experimenting, throwing things on the wall and seeing what stuck.  It often takes lots...

The Value of a Day

Today is one of those days where I’ve been working since I got up early this morning, but I have accomplished very little work.  Today has been about showing up.  Today has been about listening. It all started yesterday evening.  A phone call with...