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Exploring New Ground

We have been at this new start gig for almost 4 years now.  In that time we’ve tried lots of things and experimented with the form of our gatherings, the time, the place, and more.  Sometimes it can feel like we’ve found the thing that works for us and it...

Organic Resources

In this season of  Lent SFC has been discussing how to make room for God in our lives.  Over the past 3 weeks we’ve come up with the resources below that have helped us to engage with our Lenten work.  We still have three weeks to go, so check out some of these...

They Can’t All Be Home Runs

Some days are mediocre.  I say this after a museum tour last week that just never really clicked.  I’ve had hard tours before, but there is usually something that rises up from the tour time that redeems it.  This group last week were lovely kids.  The...

Making Room for God

This past Sunday was the first in the season of Lent, which is the time of the church year when we prepare ourselves for Jesus’ death and resurrection.  Most folks know Lent as a time to give something up.  This season our community is focusing on how we make...

Vulnerable Engagements

I realized early on in my ministry that if I was asking people to volunteer and serve the church, than I too needed to practice that by serving some place that wasn’t my work.  In Boise I made dinner on Monday nights with the program residents of the Rescue...

Growing Patiently

We share communion every week at SFC.  After the meal we take some time to reflect on Christ present with us in all that we have shared.  We have two people pass the bread and the grape juice.  I always ask the children present at the table if they would like to...