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A creative collaboration between Trinity United Methodist Church and Sellwood Faith Community

Our community exists to embody the love of God in the world because we believe everyone needs a safe space to be loved for who they are already.

10 years old

10 years ago Jeff and I were sent to Portland to plant a new church. We had a vision, based in Acts 2, of a community of believers who would eat together, learn together, serve our neighborhood together, and share life. We hoped to start with dinner and spawn a series...


We want to be the earthquake when actually we are the slow drip. We want to know the next steps all the way to the finish line. Our faith isn't like that. It is a slow grind, a foggy path where just the next step is visible. We have to trust that the step after that...

It has begun

This week we started our Bible in a Year project where we will be reading the bible together as a community over the coming year. 3 days in and I'm already behind. I missed day 2! But I have caught up. I'm sharing brief thoughts everyday on our FaceBook community...

Glass Beach

As part of our epic Bubble Family Girls  Spring Break Trip  in 2021 we went to Glass Beach in Northern California.  Due to historic dumping in the ocean and the current in this location the beach is known for its sea glass. At one time the beach was nearly all glass,...

As the Seasons Change

My family is in a huge time of transition. In just a few weeks our daughter will graduate from high school. It's a ritual and rite of passage signaling that this stage of our life as a family is over. She just turned 18 so is now legally an adult. We celebrated that...


This week has been a big one in the United Methodist World. Here in Oregon we voted to allow 3 churches to leave the United Methodist fold. The reason for the leaving is around theology. There are people and churches who hold that Christian teaching means that queer...

Building Hope

This past week I got to attend the Habitat for Humanity HopeBuilders lunch with a crew of folks from the closed Capitol Hill United Methodist Church. CHUMC chose to close in 2016. We were able to use our endowment and work with the conference trustees to sell the...

Bible in a year!

Starting this May we will be reading the entire bible over the course of a year! We are starting with the story of Pentecost from Acts and will continue on through the story of the early church and the letters to the faithful written by the apostles and their...

Keeping On

Before the pandemic we had bible study every Tuesday morning. It was a pretty good crowd of folks for the size of our church. And then once we resumed in person there were just 3 of us, which ended up being just 2 of us when the third came out of retirement! So for...

Listening Sessions

This season at the parish we are working together to discern our what.  What is it that God is calling us to in this moment in our community? Are we to be about caring for children? Serving the houseless? Welcoming our community? Or something else entirely? Our...