A Day Late But Not a Dollar Short

I have been writing this blog for 6 years.  Since we came to Portland in July of 2013 I have rarely missed a post.  This week it was a close thing! The end of the month is always a busy time, especially since we decided to not have a church secretary at Trintiy for a while.  It’s time for calendars and newsletters, which add to my work load.  This week was also the year end reporting deadline and with our finance chair indisposed I had the respoinsibility of finishing the reporting. The blog fell to the  bottom of the list, which is what sometimes happens in life and in ministry.I was tempted to just skip it.

The thing is with all the work I did this week I was telling the story of the Parish.  The newsletter celebrates all we are doing. The year end reports documents some of what we have done.  I wanted to share that story on my blog.  Our giving is up, we are hosting new community conversations, we are preparing to launch a new gatherng, we have new people coming, we are engaging in service and acts of justice, we are living in to that dream that began on this blog 6 years ago.

God is at work here and that sometimes means an abundance of things to do, but part of our goal as a  Parish, part of my work in my faith is to never let myself get so busy to stop naming God’s presence and celebrating all that God is bringing forth here and now.



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