It is a new year. Maybe this year you’ll decide that while reading along in our bible in a year program hasn’t been for you, reading the scripture for one day a week works. Maybe this year you’ll find out that you don’t have time to call a friend every week, once a month works great.
It is okay to take bites at things we want. We don’t have to be 100% all the time. A step is a step is a step. And that is all God asks of us. God does not call us to be some perfect image of a Christian person. God calls us to be our messy, human selves. God calls us to love God and love one another the best way we can right now. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. Don’t think you have to be an expert in scripture, or understand all the traditions of the church, or have a fully formed theology, or feel the spirit all the time. Just like with everything else in our lives there is a flow our faith life and we have seasons of growth in different areas.
The trick with all this though is to not slide so far as to become complacent, There is a lot of space between all in and not in at all. How can you look at your faith life in 2024 and take a step to deepen your scripture knowledge, learn something new, practice a discipline, build community, or whatever it is you are feeling called to? Our parish is here to walk together as we each grow and learn in God. May we lean on one another and support the steps we are taking.