This month has been one of the most difficult of my life. In the course of 30 days I was home 7 nights as we accompanied my mom into death. And now I’m back. In a season of light and darkness, of celebration I come with my joy of family celebration and sorrow. My anger at this surgical complication that ended my mom’s full and beautiful earthly life. I am so grateful that our community has a practice of celebrating light in the darkness on the solstice. Every year we gather on the darkest, longest night of the northern hemisphere and we acknowledge the darkness around us. We name the feelings that weigh us down, we give voice to our grief. We let go of the idea that as Christians we always have it together or are always happy. And we claim the nurturing, healing aspects of darkness. We honor love by expressing our pain. We accept the fullness of who God makes us as human in this worship gathering. And we remember how much a little light can shine.
We’ll be worshiping at 7pm on December 21st at Trinity and on Facebook live. As we think about the power of light and the necessity of darkness these words from the Reconciling Ministries Network in response to the call to not light the peace candle show the imprtance of conversations and experiences of both light and darkness. -Eilidh