We believe that God made us for community. As people of faith, we gather in worship, engage one another in relevant study and discussion, care for one another around a shared meal, and foster spiritual growth in an atmosphere of love and acceptance as we learn more about who God is and who we are.
Sunday Morning Worship
We gather for worship on Sunday mornings in a formal time of worship, music, prayer, and reflection on scripture, tradition, and our experiences. During this time, we sing hymns, both traditional and contemporary, hear a good word from the morning’s preacher, respond as a community through prayer and giving, and celebrate communion monthly. Sunday mornings, 10:30am. Inperson and online. Masks are required inperson. Join us at the Trinity building at 3915 SE Steele or link to our Virtual Gathering via Facebook Live here.
Spiritual Formation & Care
The Spiritual Formation & Care Team is dedicated to caring for our members, the neighborhood, and our wider world and supporting our community as we continue to learn and grow. This work happens by creating fellowship opportunities, connecting with those who can no longer physically attend, coordinating acts of mercy including the Backpack Buddies program, and developing opportunities for education including weekly bible study and seasonal studies.