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Leadership Update

This past Saturday our Parish leadership team met to update each other on our work. What we determined is that we are tired. This year and the brain fog, grief, changes, and isolation have meant that many of us, while hopeful as things are once again shifting, are...


This month is the 7th anniversary of Dinner Church.  In May 2014, we began with a few folks gathered around the table for a meal and holy conversation. These days we are meeting in our own homes using zoom, but while much has changed including the faces around the...

All Hail The Queen

Queen of Tech Elaina McKnight This year has been so incredibly stressful for me when it comes to leading worship. I have a basic comfort of technology, based in 1990’s school library computers and a love of Facebook. As we have evolved during the pandemic my...

With Gratitude

Among the many challenges and struggles of this year, one very pleasant and unexpected surprise for me has been the opportunity to work on staff here in this parish. This opportunity was not one that I sought out, but one that dropped in my lap in a way that could...

Remembering Last Spring

I have been watching the tv show A Million Little Things for a couple of years now. I’ve not yet watched the last few episodes because the series is about a year behind us in history. This means that right now on the show chef Regina is concerned about shutting down...

Changing the Plan

Ever since the pandemic struck it has been all about making plans and then adapting. Early on we were thinking about small group worship, ways to gather, and what could be. Then as we learned more about the virus those plans were scrapped for new ones. This week we...