God’s Developing Call
We’ve now been having dinner together as a faith community for several weeks and it’s been really lovely. There is a…
Pushup Perseverance
Jeff and I have been doing Pilates faithfully for several months now. We attend a class for an hour every…
I Go To Church on Sunday
The number one question I get from people when they are asking me how the new start is going is,…
The Changing ‘Hood
We’ve been living here in Sellwood for 10 months now. When we arrived I knew that the neighborhood had undergone…
Matters of Kindness
The other day I found out a new friend was having some pretty big relationship stuff going on. I instantly…
Read This Blog
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina a friend of mine posted a link to a blog entry titled Being Poor by…
Tablecloth Hospitality
One Wednesday a month you will find me folding a tablecloth into my purse and heading out to my local.…
The Holly and the Ivy and the Hydrangea
Our back yard is a little bit of a jungle. It’s nice to have the arbor vitae between us and…
We had a fairly big milestone last week with the Sellwood Faith Community. People came to the Tazie worship experience…
Coloring Inside the Lines
This past week has been an anxious one. I’m not sure if it was the gas company inspector telling us…