The Power of Showing Up
Lately I have been forcefully reminded of the power of simply showing up. It’s a principal I know to be…
Big Silly Grin
I love what I am doing so very much. When I get to talking about this ministry I get ever…
And the Beat Goes On
On Saturday my husband Jeff and our daughter Paige were preparing for a worship service that they were leading at…
Rest & Renewal
The Lowery 3 just got back last night from 2 weeks in Europe. We were visiting my family who live…
12 is a Magic Number
According to a blog I read not so long ago 12 is the number a new church start needs to…
Easter Blessings
This Easter a group of us from the Sellwood Faith Community met down at the river in the darkness. There…
Seasons Come & Seasons Go
In the mainline church we have a church calendar that we follow, with special seasons full or colors and symbols…
We all have a gift that can make the world brighter
At dinner last night we talked about all the things participants in the Sellwood Faith Community do outside of the…
Digesting Takes Time
A few years ago I was able to go on a retreat led by one of my favorite theologians, Rob…
The Hard Work of Hope
About a year ago our community decided we needed a sign out front. We wanted to declare our presence to…