Sharing Art
This past year I have been training as a docent at the Portland Art Museum. Every Monday I got to…
Anxiety Is Rough
It’s no secret to regular readers of this blog that I have anxiety disorder. I’ve written before about the stress…
One Foot In Front Of The Other
We’ve been doing mediation hikes for a year now. They were the idea of one of our leaders. She and…
The Very Best of General Conference
For many United Methodists, this past weekend has been spent processing the aftermath of our General Conference meetings held here…
Sharing our Burdens
This spring has been packed. Right now I’m still working at General Conference. This is the global gathering of the…
Sharing our Home
The other day as I was fetching something from the basement I noticed something odd, our bamboo placemats were splayed…
Fighting Malaria with Music
April 25th was World Malaria Day. It also marked the one year anniversary of the release of the Functional Monkeys…
Press Clippings
The United Methodist News Service did a story on experimental faith communities in Portland and SFC is one of the…