Organic Resources
In this season of Lent SFC has been discussing how to make room for God in our lives. Over the…
They Can’t All Be Home Runs
Some days are mediocre. I say this after a museum tour last week that just never really clicked. I’ve had…
Making Room for God
This past Sunday was the first in the season of Lent, which is the time of the church year when…
Vulnerable Engagements
I realized early on in my ministry that if I was asking people to volunteer and serve the church, than…
Growing Patiently
We share communion every week at SFC. After the meal we take some time to reflect on Christ present with…
The Eagle and the Construction Site
The other day I was walking down the street in our neighborhood. I looked up at the gorgeous blue sky…
How did We Get Here?
We are once again in the season of discernment as we figure out the next round of grant funding for…
Left and Right
Here at SFC we don’t all think alike, but we think. We don’t all vote alike, but we vote. We…
Nourishing our Souls with Art
This week I got to attend a Poetry Party as part of UMC LEAD, a conference I was speaking at…
Connections to the Past
When I was a youth I had amazing experiences through my church. I got to participate in youth Sundays, attend…