Making it Through
My Lent started out with an early morning airport drop off for the husband, a sick kid, and a packed…
What I Know
Yesterday the Global United Methodist Church voted to widen the definition of clergy ineligible to serve in our church and…
New Rhythms
In case you don’t know who I am, my name is Jayde Dunkerley and I am the Associate Pastor at…
This month I am freaking out just a little bit because we need to raise $10,000 for Sellwood Faith Community…
A Day Late But Not a Dollar Short
I have been writing this blog for 6 years. Since we came to Portland in July of 2013 I have…
The Stories We Tell
I serve in volunteer parent leadership at my daughter’s middle school. We’ve been struggling to get volunteers to help with…
Affordable Childcare
Throughout the history of SFC including children in our ministry has been really important. When we made the move to…
A year ago I signed up to visit Taize, France with my daughter. It was something I had been hoping…
Happy New Year
A new year is a traditional time to make resolutions and plan for the year ahead. Here are my hopes…
Merry Christmas
This is our last post of 2018! So many things are going well as we celebrate 18 months of the…