Praying in the Sunshine
A few days ago I found myself standing in the spring sunshine as a houseless man named John the Baptist…
Othering the Other
These days so much is transitioning as we figure out what is next in this pandemic and there is a…
Being Rescued
When I was 11 years old I got to attend a week of camp at Loon Lake United Methodist Camp.…
Stirrings of new life
Since this fall there have been a handful of Sundays where I have gotten to be in the Trinity sanctuary…
What Is Right?
As we think about Liberation this season and contemplate God’s justice I am walking through deep thought pattern shifts about…
Lenten Balance
This week Lent begins. My Facebook feed is full of clergy colleagues whose hearts are breaking as they face another…
Retreat Recap
This past Saturday our leadership team gathered to do some visioning and thinking about where God is calling us. We…
Shame on You
I recently got an email in response to a school board issue that had in all caps the words shame…
When I was in seminary I took a class called Healing and Reconciliation with Rev. Dr. Ruth Duck. One of…
Smoking or non-smoking?
Years ago, when I was studying abroad in Spain, I started smoking. I was lonely, reeling from a sexual assault,…