We’re Back
School started all across our area in the last 2 weeks. Here at the Trinity Building our preschool has opened…
Leadership BBQ
One of the best parts of our life together as a parish is the amazing leaders we have. Each quarter…
This past week my family was able to take a long planned trip to NYC. In the midst of my…
What Does It Mean to Be in Relationship?
One of the great dances we do as pastors is around relationships. When we are in a place with a…
We Are Responsible
Dominion Responsibility Rule Take Charge Care These are the words used in Genesis to describe the role God gives to…
An Orange Sky
The light today is wrong. The colors of the church wall, the flowers in our yard, the pavement are all…
I’m trying to be more active and healthier so I set my alarm to ring at 5 to the hour…
The End
Last year my in-laws moved to Oregon from Illinois in the midst of some substantial health issues. This past week…
Sharing our Stories
This summer at the Parish we are hearing stories of faith. Folks from across the Parish are speaking at morning…
How the Story Goes
We’ve been thinking for a while how to connect with and love our neighbors. Our community had gone through some…