Lenten Study 2025
Please join us at Trinity Church for our 2025 Lent study. We will meet each Tuesday at 12:30 pm starting March 11 through April 15. Each study is individual and no preparation beforehand is necessary. Bring your lunch, coffee, tea or other snack as we look at current, Biblical, and personal views on justice issues. Studies will include how Jesus was treated before crucifixion, houselessness, inner personal unrest and others. Discussion will start with Bible reading, prayer, a short synopsis of issue, and then open for discussion. Looking forward as we pursue issues Jesus had and many still have today.
Week #1 – “Jerusalem: Risking Reputation” Entering the Passion of Jesus, Amy-Jill Levine
Week #2 – “Community and Solidarity” Grace Can Lead Us Home, Kevin Nye
Week #3 – “Helping Others without Hurting Yourself” Breakthrough, Barb Roose
Week #4 – “The First Dinner: Risking Rejection” Entering the Passion of Jesus, Amy-Jill Levine
Week #5 – “Abundance, Beauty, and Celebration” Grace Can Lead Us Home, Kevin Nye
Week #6 – “Final Words” The Message of Jesus, Adam Hamilton
40 items for Lent
Each year we practice self denial by sharing our resources with others. This year we are collecting items for the All Saints Food Pantry. They need dried beans of all kinds, canned fruit-especially fruit cocktail, toilet paper, and money. You are invited to give 40 of one of the items above. Maybe you can give 40 beans. Maybe you can give 40 bags or beans! Whatever you can share our neighbors appreciate your support. Drop off items at the Trinity building by April 20th.
Home Devotional
Pick up a set of chains for our lent devotional at the Trinity building or use the sheets at the bottom of this page to create your own.

* Good Friday Worship April 18th 7pm in the Trinity Sanctuary & on Facebook live.
* We will gather at Sellwood Riverfront Park at 6:00am on April 20th to celebrate Easter Sunrise Worship together, followed by Easter breakfast at the SFC House. We will hold a Traditional Easter Worship at 10:30 am in the Trinity Sanctuary & on Facebook live.
Print and make your own chains:
- Bend the first strip (Ash Wednesday) into a circle with the text on the inside (this will give every link a fun fortune cookie vibe!). Dab with glue (or staple or tape) to secure.
- Thread the next strip through (1 – Thursday).
- Bend into a circle shape and use a dot of glue (or staple or tape) to secure.
- Repeat steps 9-10 until your chain is complete, using the “Sunday strips” where they fit in, after every “Saturday strip.”